Health Insurance for Tattoo Artists

Sarah Micheletti
Jan. 4, 2025
January 15th, 2025 marks the final day you can sign up for health insurance on the open market. Buckle up for our pitch on why it’s 100% worth it and a couple of tips to help.
Your body is physically subjected to more strain than the average person, with the real possibility of developing chronic pain that can impact your ability to work. Neurodivergence can fuel your creativity while adding complexity to functioning in a capitalistic society that isn't designed for you. Add in financial inconsistency and constant social media usage, and you've got a perfect recipe for stress impacting both mind and body. Preventative care is literally and truly always preferable to reactive care.
Ways to save money
Tax credit premiums
Being preventative and proactive in terms of health combined with a financial safety net from insurance is critical. If you’re shopping on the open market, depending on your income (no judgement on what you decide to report to the IRS), you can get a tax credit that lowers your monthly cost. You can use (without having to use an email) the KFF’s Health Insurance Marketplace Calculator to see if you might be eligible for financial help in premium tax credits. These premiums can be applied to any “metal” level of plan (bronze, silver, gold, platinum).
Cost sharing reductions
If you fall between 100-250% of the poverty level, you’re eligible not only for premium tax credits, but cost sharing reductions as well that lower out-of-pocket costs like deductibles and coinsurance applied on a sliding scale based on your income level. This one has a catch though, and is only offered through silver plans (not the lower, cheaper bronze plans). KFF has a thorough article explaining both premiums and cost sharing.
Piggyback on your partner’s insurance
If you have a partner who gets health insurance through their job, you may be able to hop onto their plan, even if you aren’t married (I do this!). Often you'll get better coverage at a more affordable rate than the open market (though it will be an additional cost), so it's worth having them check with HR to understand their company’s policies and how much extra it will be.
Navigator organizations
Disclaimer time for posterity; we aren’t experts in this, just advocates. But there are way more official and governmentally funded experts out there that can help called navigator organizations! While it’s late in the season, you still have time, or if you’re reading this far in the future, reach out to them for help if you have a qualifying life event. has a search feature to find someone in your area.
Wrap up
All in all, it's stupid how expensive it is, regardless of getting some credits. It's also worth re-checking if your current doctors and providers are still covered in plan changes from 2024-2025 if you had a plan from the open market last year. My neighbor was just complaining about how she’s having to upgrade to “silver” just to keep access to her existing network of doctors who’ve been involved in her healthcare for years.
The American healthcare system is shit and makes me want to scream, but I'm pointing out the obvious. #deny#defend#depose (imma get our site flagged on some list, but whatevs, this article is to help people exist in the system!!)
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